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Monday, May 26, 2008

Questions for host gator dns

Compare host gator dns

Here are just a few topics from this week’s episode of the Web Hosting Show.

Ix web hosting uptime for January 2008

Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:17:23 +0000
Ix web hosting uptime for January 2008: 99.005% (over the Internet)
For the month of January 2008, the ix web hosting uptime recorded as 99% over the internet. This means the server uptime and network uptime would be much more than this figures. The ix uptime report below is taken from multiple remote location at various ...]

Branding 101 - The Law of Change

Fri, 23 May 2008 23:03:11 +0000
The law of change in regards to branding says that you can change your brand but to do it slowly and not very often. Remember that a brand is not just a logo, it is everything that makes up the culture of your business. The reason you should do it slowly is because your customers ...]

UK2 Web Hosting Price changes

Mon, 17 Mar 2008 14:59:38 +0000
Tommorrow on the 18th March UK2 will be changing the price of all its Web Hosting and Dedicated Servers. The reason this is happening is for various reasons, but the main one being because of the price of power.
This won’t affect anyone who has bought a product from UK2 prior to the 18th March 2008 ...]

Recommended host gator dns Items

The hosting service works fine, although we have a very low volume of traffic
(less then 500mb a month). Unfortunately, from time to time, every few days, our
email would stop arriving. We wouldn't actually loose any mail, but email would
be delayed by as much as an hour sometimes. We complained about this to
ixwebhosting a few times through their online live chat help. No resolution
came, even though I even contacted them at the moment when our email was NOT
working - so they could experience the problem as well during 'live chat' help.
Later I recieved an email saying that they tested our email, and that we have no
problem and that ticket has been 'resolved' (not!). Just like every previous
time. They know it is an intermittent problem and they check once in a blue moon
and based on that conclude that everything is fine. So email problems stay
unresolved. Too bad, it seemed like a good deal and a good place for one's
hosting needs.

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