Questions for web hosting package
Business Websites
Sun, 03 Sep 2006 04:56:01 -0400
Business Website Tips
Businesses have several motivations for building business websites. For some, the Internet is their only customer base, for others they want to promote professional services and add to an existing clientele. There may be different needs and motivations but there are some common characteristics for successful business websites that all businesses ought to take note of.
Content - This should be the up-front consideration. Many spend a long time making a web site look pretty but the key to a successful site that, both customers and search engines like, is good content that informs the reader and "tells" the search engine bots what your site is about. Your aiming point should be a site that informs, puts you in a niche, makes people want to reference you and come back. Graphics are nice but the most successful sites on the Internet are nearly completely text based. Some business web sites look fantastic with tons of eye grabbing stuff but if they fail to deliver content then, unless it is a marquee name, it will be primarily a piece of art for the company to admire and be of little use in driving new customers their way through search engines. Remember: content, content, content!
Maximizing Your Mindshare (and Wallet Share) in the New World of SaaS
Thu, 01 Mar 2007 15:11:00 -0400
I really like SMBLive CEO Matt Howard's way of looking at software as a service. (Some argue that we should start calling it software enabled service.) Matt says running a business is all about maintaining "5 conversations": with oneself, co-workers, external partners (vendors/contractors/distributors), customers and the general public. So ideally, web apps should facilitate personal productivity,
collaboration, vendor management, CRM and sales/marketing.
Traditionally, hosting providers have focused on helping customers maintain a web presence - which only fulfills 20% of the functionalities Matt describes. So I thought it was pretty awesome when Barbara Branaman mentioned that Concentric is in the process of integrating its new collaboration service with its clustered hosting and email solutions. I said the unified offering should help Concentric increase mindshare. Barbara said also importantly, it will boost wallet share. The goal is to earn a larger slice of more customers' IT budgets.
Barbara will need to keep a close eye on Google, whose Apps Premier cover about half of the 5 conversations. Remember last December's headlines about Microsoft battling Gmail for corporate workers' attention? It seems Redmond faces an even tougher challenge with respect to productivity apps: Ars Technica reported yesterday that Google Docs and Spreadsheet account for a 92% share of unique visitors, and 95% of the amount of time spent. I'm not impressed with Google Pages, but Blogger is pretty popular. I'm sure sooner or later both will be rolled into Google Apps, along with Google Base.
Meanwhile, have you heard about eBay's new partnerships with ERP/CRM provider NetSuite (spotted via Mark Crofton's blog) and popular social network Bebo? And SalesForce is looking to build a "circle of success" around its CRM app; David Berlind says their odds are decent.
Earlier David Snead asked via a comment on an earlier post whether easy interoperability between different vendors' apps will obviate the need for hosting providers to customize services for any audience. Based on Rodney Loges' experience, I think the answer is no.
Rodney (who was instrumental in digitalNATION's $100 million sale to Verio as well as Rackspace's launch of its Intensive service) has transformed his company from a web development firm into a SaaS provider by assembling a suite of best-of-breed content management, web analytics, collaboration, etc, tools for associations and non-profits. Each hand-picked application meets specific requirements that his customers share. I think that's what it takes to win in SaaS/SES - of which hosting is just a small percent. In other words, the key is customer segmentation.
Does this mean that it is actually possible to have a relatively new site with very low traffic running a successful thriving hosting business? You bet it is. Here’s how.
Improving Magento Speed & Performance With MySQL Query Cache
Mon, 26 May 2008 02:59:50 +0000
Improving Magento performance is at the top of the list for most professional Magento developers. There’s no doubt that enhancing the speed at which Magento performs can only be good for business.
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We have not left any stone unturned in compiling this article on web hosting package. If you do find any unturned stones, do contact us!

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